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3rd September 2018 Monday 22nd Week of Ordinary Time - St. Gregory the Great

1 Corinthians 2:1-5, Luke 4:16-30
“Sent to do God’s Mission”
This was Jesus’ mission, from the start to the end, to promote God’s reign as a project of justice and compassion for all the outcast and rejected ones in society. The Good News of God’s love is for all people.

Today, we too have the same mission to share the Good News with all people, especially with the poor and outcasts in our society. The elderly people struggling to make ends meet, those struggling with depression, the young children today outcast because of their poor grades, the poor crying to be heard, etc. They more than anyone else need to hear the Good News that God loves them and He watches over them.

Today, Jesus calls us to bring the Good News to the poor, lonely, depressed, sick and hungry. Let us, through our loving words and actions, bring God’s love to them!

Questions for reflection:
1) Who am I called to welcome into my life?

2) What might I need to change in my heart first before I can respond to the call to bring the Good News to those who are most in need of God?


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