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5th September 2018 Wednesday 22nd Week of Ordinary Time

1 Corinthians 3:1-9, Luke 4:38-44
“The touch of love”
This is the reality of our lives too. Jesus, daily and constantly, reaches out to each of us in the same way He reached out to Simon’s mother-in-law. In moments when we too are burning with the fever of anger, disappointment, hurt and loneliness, Jesus never distanced Himself from us. He comes to us, reaches out to touch and lay His hands on us. His touch of love dispels any darkness we have within us and leads us to live with new strength and hope.

Once Simon’s mother-in-law got her health restored, she did not remain in her comfort zone. She was healed so that she could continue serving her family and community. Likewise, we too are called to use the gift of our health to be at the service of others. May we give of ourselves generously to those we meet today.

Questions for reflection:
1) Have I experienced Jesus’ touch of love in my life’s story?

2) How can I give myself generously to others today?


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