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14 September 2018 - Friday, 23rd Week in Ordinary Time | The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Numbers 21:4-9, Philippians 2:6-11, John 3:13-17
“The Cross of Jesus”

The cross is the expression of God’s unconditional and faithful love for humanity. Jesus, on the cross, gave His life for love. To the world, the cross is foolishness and abject humiliation. For us, the cross is the instrument of our love. Let us draw close to the cross of Jesus and contemplate on the mystery of the cross, the mystery of love.

The cross speaks to us about pure love, of limitless self-giving. We are challenged to follow Jesus our Master as He leads us to the path of the cross where we have to also die to our pride, self-sufficiency, arrogance, prejudices, indifferences, etc. It is in dying that we give God’s life to others.

From the cross, let us listen to Jesus as He calls us to walk the path of love.

Questions for reflection:
1) What does the cross mean for me?
2) Out of love for Jesus, how can I take on the challenge to walk His same path of the cross?



