17th February 2019 Sunday 6th Week of Ordinary Time
Jeremiah 17:5-8, 1 Corinthians 15:12,16-20, Luke 6:17,20-26
"A Life with God’s Joy"
Jesus offers us the Beatitudes as our way of life that brings us to possess fullness of joy that the world can never give us.
Jesus’ way to happiness is for us to choose to live a life of simplicity, a life hungering for justice, a life weeping in solidarity with those who are suffering. To live the Beatitudes implies that we first have to die to our desire for worldly riches, fame, popularity and power. We follow Jesus who lived His life among the marginalized, and who did not desire to use His power and influence to seek His own glory, but to relieve the suffering of those in need. Jesus chose to live for God and for others.
Question for reflection:
1) Am I willing to walk the path of the Beatitudes?