19th October 2018 Friday Twenty-eight Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ephesians 1:11-14, Luke 12:1-7
“Be transparent, not hypocritical”
Jesus warned His disciples regarding the ‘yeast of the Pharisee’ which was their hypocrisy. What is the connection between ‘yeast’ and ‘hypocrisy’? For the Jews, yeast was seen as a corrupting agent. Thus, Jesus was clear that none of His disciples would have hypocrisy, this corrupting agent, to live in their hearts. He invited His disciples to practice transparency, not hypocrisy.
A transparent person practices what he/she truly believes and professes. A transparent person is free to be himself/herself as a child of God. A transparent person builds relationships based on honesty and trust.
Jesus invites us today to take the risk of being transparent with our love for God and our Christian values. As Christians, we must reveal the presence of God to the world. We must not hide out of shame or fear.
Questions for reflection:
1) Is being transparent a value that is important in my life?
2) How can I be a fearless witness of God’s love today?