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16th August 2019 Friday 19th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Stephen of Hungary

Joshua 24:1-13, Matthew 19:3-12

“Commitment is the key”
The message for us in today’s Gospel is: Commitment.

Let us go beyond commitment in marriages to reflect on the different commitments that we have in our life.

Authentic commitment requires us to have true love that stays with a friend, a spouse, a child, a parent during their ‘good times’ and especially in their ‘bad times’.

According to Jesus, Moses allowed divorce because of the people’s hardness of hearts. However, it was not the original plan of God. He always desires for unity - unity in marriage as well as unity in family life and friendships.

The passage though speaks specifically about marriage but let us open our eyes of faith to see commitments at every level of our relationships. May we work hard to bring forgiveness and trust in every relationship that God has gifted us with.

Question for reflection:
1) What is my greatest challenge to commit myself to love with God’s love in my marriage, family life, and friendship?


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