21st November 2018 Wednesday 33rd Week in Ordinary Time - Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Revelation 4:1-11, Luke 19:11-28
“Life is about giving”
In this limited time here on earth, each of us has special gifts which God has given to us. Let us ask ourselves: How are we using these gifts for the benefit of those around us?
The last servant, in today’s gospel passage, did not use what he was given. Instead, he clung onto what he had. The other two servants faithfully gave all that they had and they gained even more.
Today, Jesus invites us to live a life in which we use our gifts for others - the gift of time, friendship, money, talents, intelligence, etc. We are here, not to amass and accumulate more, but to share all that we have in order to build others up and help them also to invest their gifts for others.
Questions for reflection:
1) Which servants do I identify myself with? The two servants who gave all or the one who kept all?
2) How can I live this day to the fullest?