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28th November 2018 Wednesday 34th Week of Ordinary Time

Revelation 15:1-4, Luke 21:12-19
“Today is the time to bear witness”
“...that will be your opportunity to bear witness”
Today, Jesus calls us to be His witnesses to our family members and friends by being living signs of His presence of love in the environment we are in. People need to see us as Christians in love with Jesus and show them that it is joyful to follow Him.

Today, there will be many simple opportunities where we can be Jesus’ living signs to a child, a spouse, a friend, a stranger. As Christians, we need to make a powerful statement, through our words and deeds, that Jesus is our friend, our love, our life. May we never miss any opportunity to bear witness and open the hearts of many to Jesus! Let us never be inconsistent witnesses who speak about Jesus but whose lives are far from His!

Questions for reflection:
1) Is my life a credible sign of Jesus’ loving presence?

2) What can I do today in order to be a witness of Christ to those around me?



