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18th January 2019 Friday - 1st Week of Ordinary Time

Hebrews 4:1-5, Mark 2:1-12
"Friends who care"
In the Gospel, the four friends were friends who cared. They saw the powerlessness of their paralyzed friend and so they were moved to do something to help him to be healed and to be made whole again.

Today, in our self-centred society, we tend to be preoccupied with our own needs and wants. Sometimes, we forget to be real friends whom others can depend on in their time of need. It is a challenge for us to be friends who care. Let us, through our words and deeds, become committed friends who bring those we care for to Jesus because He is the One who can heal them and make them whole.

Question for reflection:
1) Do I love my friends deeply that I want to bring them close to Jesus?


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