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26th January 2019 Saturday 2nd Week of Ordinary Time - Ss. Timothy and Titus

2 Timothy 1:1-8 or Titus 1:1-5, Mark 3:20-21
"A happy fool for Christ"
Was Jesus out of his mind? Yes! He was ‘mad’ with love for God and for His people. He was so ‘mad’ that he dedicated every moment when He was awake to the mission.

What is our passion? What is THE THING that takes away our mind, our time, our creativity? We are called to be Fools for Christ - Fools whose lives are totally with Christ, for Christ, in Christ. The world needs Fools for Christ in order to make sense of this world of hatred, revenge, injustice, oppression and greed. People need us to show them that God still exists and that He has not abandoned them to the chaotic mess.

Questions for reflection:
1) Is Jesus my passion? Am I willing to be a fool for Christ?


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