Exodus 32:7-11,13-14, 1 Timothy 1:12-17, Luke 15:1-32
Be merciful as God is merciful
‘In the parables devoted to mercy, Jesus reveals the nature of God as that of a Father who never gives up until he has forgiven the wrong and overcome rejection with compassion and mercy…In them we find the core of the Gospel and of our faith, because mercy is presented as a force that overcomes everything, filling the heart with love and bringing consolation through pardon’ (Pope Francis)
The merciful love revealed in today’s parables is made visible and real in Jesus’ life. He, like the shepherd, never fails to go out and look for the lost ones who had fallen away. He, like the woman, never stops rejoicing when one repentant sinner comes back to God. Jesus is nothing but love that is compassionate and patient.
Today, this is the path of love that we, as Christians, are called to follow. In our busyness of everyday, may we never forget to live and show mercy.
Questions for reflection:
1) What does the parables from Luke 15 mean to me at this point in my life?
2) In the same way that I have experienced mercy from Jesus, how can I live and show His mercy to others?