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10th October 2019 Thursday 27th Week of Ordinary Time

Malachi 3:13-20, Luke 11:5-13

“How much more...”
If the friend would wake up to help his friend in need; if a father, with his human limitations, would give to his child what is good, how much more of the gift of His Holy Spirit would God give to those who ask Him. Many times, we pray by asking Jesus for material needs and wants. However, we must not forget that the true prayer of a child of God is a daily asking with open hands for what he/she really needs, i.e. the guiding presence of the Holy Spirit.

Today, let us be aware that we are God’s beloved sons and daughters as we enter once more into a relationship of love and trust with Him.

Question for reflection:
1) How can I place my trust in God the Father each day?



