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17th October 2019 Thursday 28th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Ignatius of Antioch

Romans 3:21-30, Luke 11:47-54

“Stop closing doors!”
Jesus calls each one of us to return to God’s love and return to the simplicity of our Christian faith. He wants us to be authentic Christians whose lives truly attract others to God.

When Jesus left the house, the Pharisees and scribes started to attack Him. This should be a reminder for us that when we start living our faith authentically, we must be ready to face oppositions and rejections from those who do not understand the ways of God. Like Jesus, we too must never give up but persevere to keep on living our faith with joyful enthusiasm.

Question for reflection:
1) What is my greatest challenge to live in such a way that my life attracts others to Christ?


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