17th February 2019 Sunday 6th Week of Ordinary Time
Jeremiah 17:5-8, 1 Corinthians 15:12,16-20, Luke 6:17,20-26
"A Life with God’s Joy"
Jesus offers us the Beatitudes as our way of life that brings us to possess fullness of joy that the world can never give us.
11th February 2019 Monday 5th Week of Ordinary Time - Our Lady of Lourdes
Genesis 1:1-19, Mark 6:53-56
"To love like Jesus"
In today’s Gospel, crowds and crowds of people hurried to see Jesus and to be with Him. Whatever their motives were, Jesus did not turn them away but He stayed with them because He loved them.
In this time of prayer, let us draw close to Jesus and allow Him to touch us: in our loneliness, our worries, our fears and our anxiety. Peace flows from Him into our hearts and calms us. Love enters and gives us the strength to journey through life.
9th February 2019 Saturday 4th Week of Ordinary Time
Hebrews 13:15-17,20-21, Mark 6:30-34
"Sheep without shepherd"
We too can identify moments in our life when we feel like sheep without a shepherd. We could be tired with work, parish activities and responsibilities at home. Jesus, our Shepherd, comes and invites us, “You must come away with me... and rest for a while.” We need moments to rest with our Shepherd and be renewed by His love again.