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บทรำพึงพระวาจาประจำวัน 7th June 2018

7th June 2018 Thursday 9th Week of Ordinary Time

2 Timothy 2:8-15, Mark 12:28-34
“The new law of love”
Which is the first of all the commandments? This was the scribe’s question to Jesus. Jesus’ reply to him could be summed up in just one word, ‘Love’.

Nothing pleases God more. What is the point if we worship God but have no love in our hearts? What is the purpose of following one norm after another if we do not fulfil the commandment of love?

Love of God becomes a fib when we fail to love others around us.

With humility in our hearts, let us ask God to let His love fill us so that we can truly perceive this law of love. Today, we can live, and not just know, the commandment of love.

Questions for reflection:
1) Is love the core, the centre of my life?
2) How can I live out this commandment of love today?



