22nd September 2019 Sunday 25th Week of Ordinary Time
Amos 8:4-7, 1 Timothy 2:1-8, Luke 16:1-13
“For you, for them”
What can this dishonest steward teach us about our life and our faith?
The dishonest steward belongs to the ‘children of this world’. They use well their resources to serve their own interests. What about us as ‘children of the light’? Do we stop and even reflect on how we want to use, not just our money, but also our talents, gifts and time to serve God and His people? At the end of our lives, what do we want to bring with us to heaven? We cannot bring with us all that we have accumulated here on earth when one day we leave this life. Thus, we need to use all that we have and accumulate for others, not just for selfish gains. We are called to become responsible and generous stewards.
20th September 2019 Friday 24th Week of Ordinary Time - Ss. Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang and Companions
1 Timothy 6:2-12, Luke 8:1-3
“Following Jesus to the end”
Jesus was constantly on the move. His passion to bring the Good News to people led Him to tirelessly move from one place to another.
19th September 2019 Thursday 24th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Januarius
1 Timothy 4:12-16, Luke 7:36-50
“Seeking for mercy”
Jesus knew what Simon the Pharisee and even the rest of the onlookers were thinking about when they saw the women at His feet. He then told a parable to teach them an important lesson - i.e. real love comes from a heart that is forgiven.
18th September 2019 Wednesday 24th Week of Ordinary Time
1 Timothy 3:14-16, Luke 7:31-35
“Belonging to Wisdom”
For those who refused to accept the message of the Good News, nothing and nobody could move their hearts to believe and rejoice. They looked at Jesus and John the Baptist with contempt and disapproval.
“Yet, Wisdom has been proved right by all her children.”