5th September 2019 Thursday 22nd Week of Ordinary Time
Colossians 1:9-14, Luke 5:1-11
“The deeper water”
Today, Jesus invites us to leave the safety of our shore and enter into deeper waters with Him. This is not easy for many of us because we cherish safety and security. We would rather be in the safety of the shore where we can be in control of our life than out in deep waters. Yet, it is precisely by being in deep water that we experience Jesus as He truly is. There, we learn to trust Him. There, we learn to walk by faith, not by sight.
4th September 2019 Wednesday 22nd Week of Ordinary Time
Colossians 1:1-8, Luke 4:38-44
“Time to pray”
Even though Jesus was constantly with the people and busied Himself with helping each person that came His way, He made time for prayer because He needed to be alone with God.
3rd September 2019 Tuesday 22nd Week of Ordinary Time - St. Gregory the Great
1 Thessalonians 5:1-6,9-11, Luke 4:31-37
“With renewed freshness”
Like the man in today’s Gospel, we too have our own demons that we struggle with every day. These demons of pride, jealousy, anger, lust, laziness as well as our deep wounds from past incidents are alive and actively influencing us in the way we live and love. Do we resist Jesus’ help in our struggle with our demons?
Today, let us draw close to Jesus and accept joyfully His authority as He leads us to live life with true freedom. May we stay with Jesus today!
Question for reflection:
1) What is Jesus’ invitation to me as I listen attentively to His Word today?