28th August 2019 Wednesday 21st Week of Ordinary Time - St. Augustine
1 Thessalonians 2:9-13, Matthew 23:27-32
“Giving glory to God”
The scribes and the Pharisees put so much emphasis on external show and appearances that their hearts and minds were full of self-love and contempt for the people around them. They looked for human glory instead of seeking for God’s glory.
26th August 2019 Monday 21st Week of Ordinary Time
1 Thessalonians 1:1-5,8-10, Matthew 23:13-22
“God wants love, not sacrifices”
The scribes and Pharisees were very concerned about appearing good externally but they were full of corruption and greed.
24th August 2019 Saturday 20th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Bartholomew
Revelation 21:9-14, John 1:45-51
“Come and see”
Nathanael encountered Jesus through a mediator, Philip. Philip had a deep life-transforming encounter with Jesus that he wanted to share the Good News with his friend. He went searching for Nathanael and told him, “Come and see.” Because of Philip’s “Come and see”, Nathanael became Jesus’ apostle.